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Thanks for Subscribing - Important Information

Thanks for providing your email, the information you requested has already been sent.

It is Important that you check your inbox. I’ve sent an email to explain about whitelisting my email address. Please check to see the email has arrived. It if has then all well and good!

However, – especially if you use Gmail due to the recent changes they have made, the email is likely to be  in the SPAM folder.

Please have a look and if it is, just click ‘Report as not spam’. This will move it to your Inbox along with future emails I send.

You should also WHITELIST my email address following the instructions in the email.


You can of course always unsubscribe at any time – No hard feelings!

It’s also good practice to hit the ‘Reply’ option to my email. This shows the service provider that you have requested to receive my emails and anything I then send should hit your inbox.

Many thanks,

Phil Worthington